Reply to post: Re: Others

Cracking Android's full-disk encryption is easy on millions of phones – with a little patience

Crazy Operations Guy

Re: Others

A lot of the security folk I work with tend to chose the cheaper phones on purpose, as they keep getting stolen, and they usually have fewer obstacles to flashing a custom firmware.

We do security and financial auditing and so are privy to some pretty imagining secrets such as security vulnerabilities and yet-to-be submitted financial information. None of that information is actually on the devices, but attackers may very well gain access to it using those devices (stealing two-factor auth tokens, data for social engineering attacks, etc). Oddly enough, the devices seem to go missing most often when going through customs checkpoints, and in some countries far more often than others, its so weird how the people in charge of thoroughly tracking every item going in and out of a country could allow something as sensitive as a laptop or phone containing protected secrets just disappear like that, its just so weird...

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