Reply to post: For those still confused: Brexit = peasants revolt against the bien-pensants

Why you should Vote Remain: Bananas, bathwater and babies

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

For those still confused: Brexit = peasants revolt against the bien-pensants

History is not written in advance. Nothing is inevitable, neither the EU, nor globalisation or big government. We are free to change course anytime. This is a victory for free will.

Human institutions are created by people but if they don’t respond to meaningful concepts, they attract no real attachments and are ultimately abandoned. The EU is a cultural aberration and a political failure. Nation states are much closer to people’s hearts and their own institutions are far more legitimate. This is a victory for culture.

Patriotism, the love of the land is a source of real meaning. We are tellurian creatures as well as intellectual beings. This is a victory for the understanding of man as flesh and mind and a defeat for intellectual constructs that think you can remake man against his nature and create meaning out of nowhere.

We are trailblazers now. the EU will disintegrate and nobody will mourn at its funeral. The Tory party will go into the wilderness alongside Labour and the Libdems, either they abandon the PC narrative or they will eventually go as well. Everything is up for debate now and the elites no longer control what can or cannot be discussed. Suddenly it’s the Guardian that’s obsolete.

None of us predicted this, but now freedom is here and it tastes sweet.

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