Reply to post: Re: You're not shedding any light

Why you should Vote Remain: Bananas, bathwater and babies

codejunky Silver badge

Re: You're not shedding any light

@ anonymous boring coward

"Perhaps just looking at the bad news give a somewhat distorted picture"

Or looking at the actual data on the very people not necessarily noticed in business activity. The distorted picture being the unmeasured perspective of someone who lives and interacts with a small group.

"Also, if someone is actually fleeing for their life (those pesky brown-skinned people walking in long rows), isn't it good if they get some protection?"

Very good point. Totally excludes anything I said but yes they should.

"Greece can leave if they don't like it."

Absolutely. They nearly did but the threats they got were persuasive. Didnt they also get in trouble for planning to print Drachma due to the Eurozone buying Greek debt and then crushing them with it?

"but the EU surely didn't bring Greece's problems about."

Well the Euro did. Granted they overspent and so should now be dealing with it. But they cant because the Euro rules stop them from taking any corrective action apart from crash. Their debt cannot be paid which is why the debt has a long maturity at below interest rates so their debt devalues over time. But they still require the bailouts and are being beaten with them.

"Trade block with China? OK... I'm sure the UK will sell a lot to China..."

Trade block with China? Who said? The EU is still trying to set up a trade deal an apparently they give more influence and power to trade. Iceland rejected the EU and has already got such a deal while the EU has yet to create deals with the growing world.

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