Reply to post: Re: Responsibility

Why you should Vote Remain: Bananas, bathwater and babies

Jason Bloomberg Silver badge

Re: Responsibility

If there was even the slightest indication the EU was genuinely reformable it might be worth a shot but even then .. What if it doesn't work ? What is plan B ?

We leave! That's a reasonable Plan B; it's just not a good Plan A.

I know; "Cameron tried and failed". But that's because he's an arsehole who only got himself and everyone else into this mess because he was trying to save his own skin and that has remained his priority.

Boris was probably right, waking the EU up, with the real threat of leaving if nothing changes, would have been the best way forward, but that wasn't what was on the cards when Cameron went to the EU to seek reforms. He had put himself in a very weak position.

And let's not forget that Leave doesn't even have a Plan B.

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