Reply to post: Re: @AC: Mean while, back in the real world...

Why you should Vote Remain: Bananas, bathwater and babies

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: @AC: Mean while, back in the real world...

"BUT I have an MP and a monarch, my fundamental belief is that they should basically 'run' our country, not folk we have never heard of, voted for and can't kick them out of office if we want to..."

I've got some good news for you! You can vote for an MEP and no laws can be passed without their agreement.

There's also something called the "Council of Ministers" where our government also gets to sign off (or not). You may recall Dave C threatening to veto various things in the past.

The Commission (the civil service if you like) can't make laws, are appointed by our elected representatives and can be dismissed by our MEPs if they get too far out of hand.

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