Reply to post: You don't want to it like that, you want to do it like this.

Cats understand the laws of physics, researchers claim


You don't want to it like that, you want to do it like this.

Get one see-saw and lead access tunnels from the points the see-saw would touch the ground, if unbalanced, to a central space where a cat can see both ends no matter how the see-saw is balanced.

The point at which the cat can enter the routes has a door which closes once the see-saw starts to move.

The cat has to anticipate which side of the see-saw is going to drop to ground level and thus be accessible via the tunnel.

After acclimatising the cat to the scenario place a mouse on one side and a baby rabbit on the other.

If the cat understands gravity, then the baby rabbit will get Elmer Fudded.

This assumes cats have no preference to mice over baby rabbits, which from real world observations, seems to be the case.

can I have my £50,000 grant paid in beer tokens for simplicities sake.

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