Reply to post: Re: Huh?

Marauding monkey blacks out Kenya

Voland's right hand Silver badge

Re: Huh?

You are not familiar with the "smart metering" attack.

It is sufficient to turn 2-4% on/off at once with no prior notice for the grid to start shedding connections. If this is not calculated correctly (or in the case of an attack if the sequence of on/offs is malicious) the whole grid can collapse completely (*).

So all it takes is one monkey - either at a big enough power plant or one high enough in relevant government department. There is little difference between failing to protect the grid feed transformer and deciding to install smart meters with uploadable firmware into every house (and someone backdooring it with a trigger sequence).

The result is all the same.

(*)It is now 20+ years since I last helped my dad with computations in optimal control of grid load "management" so the 2-4% number is off the top of my head.

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