Reply to post: Re: No worries, its not like Android has a huge share of the phone market....

Why does an Android keyboard need to see your camera and log files – and why does it phone home to China?

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: No worries, its not like Android has a huge share of the phone market....

Wow, so you're upset that people are backing Google and Microsoft by buying Android, but then note that the alternative to giving them money is to give Apple money. You know that's how business works right? You give people money for a product or service, and the ones with the most successful product or service get more money.

I don't think there's any confusion that Google are behind Android, I also don't believe most phone buyers give a crap. They probably don't even buy a phone - they get it free on contract, and the network handles the payment for the phone. So as far as they can see, they've paid Google/Microsoft/Apple absolutely nothing.

The Google Play Store is also not "full of this shit".It's got some malicious apps, the majority are not.

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