Reply to post: Re: The blog ppst

Jacob Appelbaum quits Tor Project amid 'sex misconduct' accusations

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: The blog ppst

'The blog post (which I assume was linked to in the removed comments above) doesn't appear to contain anything defamatory.'

Not defamatory?, I suppose it depends how you want to read it, more precisely, how a lawyer would read it, words being such twisty little things...

From my reading of the blog post alluded to, It didn't exactly do him any favours. The tone of the whole post, the language used throughout it, basically screams that the person who 'stepped down' was as 'guilty as hell' of the allegations against him, even though there has been no talk of any formal police investigations.

The innocent and helpful paragraph you quote above

'..People who believe they may have been victims of criminal behavior ...'

whilst it's all sage advice on the surface, it could also be interpreted as someone covering their bases by setting up quite nicely the 'no one is talking as they don't like the police' scenario

'..We recognize that many people in the information security and Internet freedom communities don't necessarily trust law enforcement..'

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