Reply to post: Bill them?

Even in remotest Africa, Windows 10 nagware ruins your day: Update burns satellite link cash

raving angry loony

Bill them?

If you've set "automatic updates" to "no", and they still use up expensive bandwidth to download crap that you've specifically said you didn't want, perhaps Microsoft needs to be billed for these instances?

Of course, they'll never pay, the defence being that "hey, they should have known what they were doing" in the never-ending war against Microsoft using your bandwidth to improve their profit margin. This from a company that hides the real purpose of "security updates", refuses to divulge the purpose of an update unless you visit their website (and sometimes not even then), and does not actually provide a mechanism to say "no" to automatic downloads of Windows 10.

I can only wonder - when is the lawsuit? Oh, right, never, because the people most affected have already been ruined by Microsoft before they even start trying to sue.

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