Reply to post: Re: When electricity was first introduced....

GM crops are good for you and the planet, reckon boffins


Re: When electricity was first introduced....

On the other side, I was young, but not too young to read, when the cigartette companies were publishjhing reports that claimed that cigarette smoking was good for your health. That the "cancer scare" was nothing more than bad science and that they had been studying the links between cancer and smoking for 20 years and could find no reliable data that showed either causation or correlation between smoking and cancer.

It was these "studies" that kept cigarettes in the marketplace up through the 70s and into the 80s before even the mildest health warnings were required on packaging. I am a scientist, I believe in good reliable scientific study, but I also work at a research university and know too much about what goes on behind the closed doors of the grant propsal writers and the department heads who know what the customers want. (BTW, no, I won't name names, you think I'm stupid?)

But truly, when the only work being done on this is coming through the people who have skin in the game, when there are no disinterested players on the field, well, I just can't get excited and want to support the "science" that is supposed to show us the safety of these products.

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