Reply to post: The answer is to avoid loosing control by trading with gold instead.

Bank in the UK? Plans afoot to make YOU liable for bank fraud

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

The answer is to avoid loosing control by trading with gold instead.

The fact is money is only valuable if people believe in it, with the general population having little control but required to pay all the bills for the affluent's failures and or greed perhaps it is time to return control of personal wealth to those having to work for said wealth.

Gold whilst not as good as essentials in terms of worth is more portable and generally accepted across the world.

I am all for taxation if it is spent on improving the safety/ environment / standard of living of me and mine but too often my tax is diverted to things I oppose without me having any say in it.

Too often my money is diverted to people who paid towards getting the politicians elected and this has been a problem since democracy was invented.

Personally I would make the consequences of corruption in office match the level of power they wield and apply it at all levels of government and their agents. Hopefully then only those that are seriously willing to risk all to do good will take the job for the betterment of us all. These people do exist but typically get pushed out by the "professionals" i.e. those just taking the post for money and personal power.

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