Reply to post: Re: Upsetting rich people

Hulk Hogan's sex tape, a Silicon Valley billionaire, and a $10m revenge plot to destroy Gawker

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Upsetting rich people

From what I read in a newspaper article, it was Max Mosley who bankrolled the UK civil court actions of various people against the News Of The World phone hacking activities. This was obviously a delayed revenge for the stories (and videos) of his 'fun filled' activities.

To be honest, in his place I'd done the same if I had that sort of money. I've dealt enough with personal detail digging jackals to applaud any move to get them into trouble - after all, they have no problem with innuendo and plain lies (aka "mistakes") if that furthers their sale of newspapers.

If I recall correctly he went one further. He set up some trust or charity which is pretty much the sole source of income of an alternative press regulator. As revenges go, that has a degree of elegance to it.

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