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Magnetic memory boffins unveil six-state storage design



You lot are confusing me somewhat, the article says that with three crossing ellipses and two states for each if the electron spin is to the right or left means 0 or 1 for each overlapping region, so six distinct states, how are the crossing ellipses read? region 1 (1) region 2 (0) region 3 (1) or variants on the 3 states they could all be 1 or all 0 ? But it's only 3 binary values depending how it can be read surely, if they can read the states on the 3 variables at the same time that’s different.

Could enough regions be read at once to give a direct instruction instead of decoding the separate bits of information to give the instruction?

Look before any of you lot start I'm just an electrician. OK!!!!!

Regards, Ian. Have they got a smiley wearing a dunce hat?

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