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Prof squints at Google's mobile monopoly defence, shakes head


"Apparently, that step somehow renders Google an evil, abusive monopolist and Apple a paragon of moral rectitude."

Um.... I don't recall anyone (aside from the usual fanboi parade) labeling Apple a paragon of moral rectitude. Apple's draconian EULAs, arbitrary position on refunds and warranty, and dodgy tax affairs have all been questioned by the EU too (to the point that the iTunes EULA was ruled unenforceable in a German court). That's a big reason why the iPhone is a UK/US phenomenon and is very much more of a bit player throughout the rest of the continent; Apple doesn't like the EU's regulatory environment and doesn't focus it's efforts there to anything like the extent you'd expect it to for a rich region with nearly a billion people in it.

As to Google... yeah, Android's market dominance is being leveraged as a monopoly to promote other Google services in an anti-competitive manner. That's not really in doubt. The internal emails make it pretty clear that Google's Android strategy is explicitly based on doing this, in a manner that is very reminiscent of MS in the desktop space in the 90s.

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