Reply to post: Re: Why interact with the chat client at all?

You wanted innovation? We gave you Clippy the Paperclip in your IM client


Re: Why interact with the chat client at all?

You could give them virtual currency, see what they buy. Etc. Then the 'cloud', fills with AI and they fight over certain server real estate, rackspace for the middle class AIs, AWS for the masses, Specialist Server farms in Iceland for the AIs who work with genetics and experiment is biomechanics and manufactured lifeforms which can carry out basic tasks in the 'real' world to compete with now near enslaved humans who now act as taxis to their AI masters who, strangely, communicate to their human via a device that looks like the old smartphone.....

So all you see of this 'topia are humans dashing around looking at little slabs of black plastic and glass....*

* Apart from the ones with fancy glasses on their head, but their AI masters are considered a little odd and most HELOs from them are piped to /dev/null by the others

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