Reply to post: Re: ick, ethicists

Would we want to regenerate brains of patients who are clinically dead?

The Mole

Re: ick, ethicists

"Deliberately with-holding medical care so that someone dies is murder."

No it isn't, and it is actually pretty routine. Daily doctors make the decision to turn off incubators, to stop doing radiation or chemotherapy, to not perform aggressive (or any) resuscitation on patients, or otherwise stop or not start various types of treatment. All of these are forms of withholding the medical care which may prolong the patients life and without which will generally directly lead to their death. Generally this is justified on lack of any foreseeable quality of life in any form and/or the fact the life is only being kept through artificial methods.

There are also cases where the decision is made but then the incubator is kept running a while longer until a match has been found and prepared for their organs so that they are, um, the freshest possible.

Medical ethics is a complex and complicated landscape with very few clear cut decisions.

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