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GM crops are good for you and the planet, reckon boffins

Pompous Git Silver badge

If farmers who use GM seeds are worse off, as you claim, then why do they do it?

Now that's an interesting question. Here in Tasmania, they don't. The one trial that was authorised some years back, the truck delivering the seed to the farm "accidentally" spilled canola seed at several locations on the way to the farm where the trial was to occur. The spills were discovered by council workers spraying roadside weeds with glyphosate. As a result, the moratorium on GMO in Tasmania continues. Tasmanian canola growers can sell into markets that demand GMO-free and markets who don't care whether the canola is a GMO. Farmers who grow GMO can only sell into the latter market and receive lower payment per tonne. Lower prices and higher input costs require higher yields be be justifiable. Since independent hard data is impossible to find...

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