Reply to post: Re: Channel The Apprentice?

Guilty! Trump delivers orange justice to Amazon

Trevor_Pott Gold badge

Re: Channel The Apprentice?

"The Republicans haven't got a hope in hell of winning the Presidency with anyone else but Trump."

Trump's a RINO, so they wouldn't be winning the presidency with Trump.

"If they try to stab him in the back at the convention, their true colours will be revealed and it'll most likely be the end of the GOP."

About fucking time.

Maybe if the republicans disband then two parties will form in it's wake: a truly centrist party that would siphon off a bunch of moderates from the democrats and rule in an open-minded, rational, evidence-based and logically consistent manner...and the batshit-crazy xenophobic conservative side will have their own party.

Then the US can have "crazy people on the right you avoid because they are dangerous and irrational", "the party that actually can run things without ruining things" and "crazy people on the left who you avoid because they are dangerous and irrational".

Right now, you just have two crazy right wing parties and Bernie Sanders. Sadly, he lost.

More's the pity. For all our sakes, everywhere in the world.

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