Reply to post: Re: Google catches up to Apple, while Microsoft trails the pack

Kill Flash now? Chrome may be about to do just that


Re: Google catches up to Apple, while Microsoft trails the pack

To be fair, 1+1 = 2

i.e. if you have a browser with a vuln quotient of x and then you add the y from Flash, you have x+y exposure instead of plain x. Note that in this equation, Flash's y is neither 0 nor negative. I would argue it is pretty high for its functionality compared to the Swiss Army knife of a modern browser.

Additionally, you can run NoScript quite effectively to harden your browser to random JS. And it's not like white-listing automatically makes NoScript happy - it's often that it whines, justifiably or not, for a white-listed site's JS doing something it thinks fishy.

In fact, as someone else mentioned a few days back, I tend to run FF w NoScript and fall back to Chrome when I can't be arsed to figure out what is irking NoScript on a site that I actually use.

Flash content is opaque in that regard and I would rather concentrate on just dealing with JS vulns, thank you very much.

Thank you, Chrome, anything that gets laggards like the BBC and CBC off Flash is most welcome. I haven't used Flash for years and I mostly don't miss it anywhere except for the 2 above. And that certainly includes YouTube which works fine without it.

p.s. one exception - Joel Spolsky's otherwise excellent FogBugz service has a estimates-vs-actual time feature that I would love to use, but is based on Flash for its reporting (hello, D3, please).

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