Reply to post: Re: The Last of Us

Windows 10 free upgrade offer ends on July 29th

Geoffrey W

Re: The Last of Us

@Captain Daft

RE: "Most people will put up with any cost or tribulation to avoid having to think, even if a second's thought would make life much easier."

To be honest, installing Linux doesn't really make your life any easier for a non expert user; perhaps not even for an expert user - just a bit different. There are still the same concepts of programs and disks and memory to force into your head, and things still operate in pretty much the same ways with task bars and menus and buttons to click. And then you have to be told why all those programs you bought from a shop, or downloaded from a website, will not work on your machine. Its just different sides of the same coin, which is trite but true. Things still go wrong and stop working and bugs still pop up gibberish messages and you will still on occasion feel like dropping the thing out the window onto the concrete before that amazing tech friend comes along and amazes you some more by fixing it in 5 minutes. Windows, Linux, or OSX - You will still feel the pain of mysterious things going on. Its just that your amazing tech friend will be happier or sadder depending upon which operating system you are using so you go along with him (or her) and smile at appropriate times just to make him (or her) happy and feel appreciated. They will not really understand why you are angry/sad/happy/tearing out hair because of an operating system. They wont even understand what an operating system is, even if they nod encouragingly at you.

If your non expert users appear happier under Linux they are probably just humoring the strangely obsessive nerd who keeps the machine working for them. They might even feel a bit sorry for you but they wont say it.

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