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Stop resetting your passwords, says UK govt's spy network

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Well I'm not security expert or anything, but with encrypted password databases, why is this even a problem? Not that you should solely rely on password databases, but if you forget, you can lookup your strong password. There's no reason you would need to have an easy password.

As for the password database security itself. Keep five backup copies and doodle an inconspicuous strong database password down on a random piece of paper in your file cabinet. Set the database to use 2 million rounds or so and it takes a powerful computer 1 second per attempt.

And it's not only password changing policies that drive me crazy. There's just so many sites and services to register for! I have 72 accounts (that I remember)! Some of them are extremely important, but I access them maybe once a year or more. Who could remember so many strong unique passwords or strong passwords for seldom-used services? And some of these sites have password-changing policies which makes it even worse. I'm sold on password databases. You can have strong passwords for every site and service.

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