Reply to post: Re: Recursive One Time Pads

NIST readies 'post-quantum' crypto competition


Re: Recursive One Time Pads

One downvote (so far).

Any explicit rebuttal on why it wouldn't work?

Other examples to think about (same concept):

E.g. 1 kb of replacement bit-wise noise (encrypted, new block of One Time Pad), but encrypted using the same-old same-old 1 kb of One Time Pad used to send all the new blocks of One Time Pad. The new noise is bit-wise noise; so you can endless reuse the One Time Pad when sending more good bit-wise noise.

E.g. One secret bit = 'X' (0 or 1). Used to XOR-encrypt an endless bit stream of noise. The noise is either inverted or it's not inverted. Can you ever guess 'X'? I don't think so. One bit OTP. Same thing.

Rebuttals very welcome.

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