Reply to post: Re: I find it heartening . .

NIST readies 'post-quantum' crypto competition

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Re: I find it heartening . .

before an encryption apocalypse is upon us there are already several avenues of investigation open because mathematicians (I assume) 'wasted' their time

Much of the research directly relevant to post-quantum cryptography was done after quantum computing was conceived. After all, we've known Shor's and Grover's algorithms for two decades now.

Lattice-based PQC algorithms like NTRU are of similar vintage. As the article notes, McEliece (one of a family of PQC algorithms based on error-correcting codes) is even older (almost four decades); but it was invented as a cryptosystem, i.e. as a piece of applied mathematics.

It is nice to know that, broadly speaking, cryptography has found applications for number theory and some other once-abstract branches of mathematics - not because there's anything wrong with pure mathematics, but because it's an interesting and unexpected consequence. But it's more true of conventional cryptography than of QC.

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