Reply to post: Who needs more than 2 Mb/s?

UK's 'superfast' broadband is still complete dog toffee, even in London

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Who needs more than 2 Mb/s?

People who argue this tend to be those who think the world revolves around them - if I don't need any more than that, no one else should either.

Back in the real world, a family with 2.4 kids is typically going need at least that per person just to watch Iplayer simultaneously, ie a minimum of 10 Mb/s. And that's before they start file sharing.

If you can't thing of anything to do with fibre broadband, you aren't using your imagination. You probably aren't aware that streaming speeds to actually make use of your 4K compatible TV are considerably higher than 2 MB/s.

But more importantly, who needs more than 640K RAM... ;)

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