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Prof squints at Google's mobile monopoly defence, shakes head

Throatwarbler Mangrove Silver badge

Google is described as having a monopoly in "licensable smartphone operating systems." Using an equivalent criterion of, let's say, "non-licensable smartphone operating systems," Apple actually is just as much of a monopoly as Google. What other dominant non-licensable smartphone operating systems are out there that have even a hill of beans for market share? Remember, since Google fall into a whole separate category of smartphone OS providers, it can't be considered competition for Apple, so Apple holds a de facto monopoly in their market segment. Therefore, if Apple excludes competitive mapping applications such as Google Maps or competitive browsers such as Firefox, it must, applying the exact same logic being used in the case of Google, be the case that Apple is guilty of discriminatory behavior, having the exact same effect in the iOS world as Google's MADAs are held to have in the Android world. The only difference is that Apple contracts the manufacture of iPhones solely to Foxconn rather than licensing the OS to a variety of manufacturers. Apparently, that step somehow renders Google an evil, abusive monopolist and Apple a paragon of moral rectitude.

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