Reply to post: Re: @Allan George Dyer

NZ Pastafarians joined in noodly wedlock

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: @Allan George Dyer

No, those are the places who refused religion as a base for basic rights and a source for legislation. The western world *fought hard* against the idea that laws and the "very special rights" of some people ("nobles", "priesthood") came from a supernatural entity and thereby couldn't be changed.

It was a very useful way to enslave people "hey, my power is from God (and this interested priest will confirm it) so you can't do anything but obey - otherwise I'm in my right to kill you because you have no rights". But more and more people started to challenge it - because religion ceased to be an absolute value.

That's the missing steps other part of the world never took, and we see the consequences.

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