Reply to post: Re: Or dark matter is other universes

Hubble spies supermassive black hole in surprising spot

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Or dark matter is other universes

Perhaps I can explain this in terms of black holes better.:

Q. Why is all matter not inside one giant black hole? If they suck up galaxies and the matter can never escape, then given enough time, they suck up everything.

The classic answer: "because there wasn't enough time since the universe was created".

But that is creationism in a more sciency way. There is no singularity of anything in any branch of science, anything you can make once, you can make twice, or N times. No magic force kicks in to prevent it, no one-time rule works. There's no hypothesis as to how such a one time only event could ever be limited to one time.

Hence whatever made one universe made many and is making many.

So if there's more than one universe, and any event of whatever type can happen over and over again and again. It follows that space time was not created when our particular universe was created, and thus it existed before our universe.

So there was time for blackholes to swallow everything.

So how do black-holes eject their matter, as must happen because we're not all in one massive black hole.

If your physics happens to work out a Universe Sized bang of a blackhole, with all the matter being pulled out by a the universes that were around it. Then I'm sure they'll give you the nobel prize.

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