Reply to post: Re: The system is being abused.....

This year's H-1B visa lottery jammed full in just six days

Brian Miller

Re: The system is being abused.....

True, the system is being abused. And it isn't only by the companies. I've heard of Microsoft referred to as being an employment program. And that's really how it's treated by many who work there! "We're giving them a chance..." is what I was told when I had a semi-honest talk with a fellow about it. Why was I having that talk with him? Because he had come to me with a job offer as a "reward" for my service. He just couldn't understand why I refused, so I had to go into the nitty gritty details of the concept of how a society works, and how bright people want to be treated.

Why do companies want foreign workers? Compliance. People with real talent will quit places that suck. They have opportunities because they have the skills that employers actually need. Dunces are dime a dozen, and dunces that can be abused and still stick around are mostly found through the H1-B program. If an H1-B worker quits, they have to go home. If they lose their job, they have two weeks to find another one.

Kill the program, and let society take its proper course. Microsoft claims that they will move their operations to Canada if the H1-B program is reigned in. Ok, so go for it! Microsoft (Ballmer) said the company would be moved to China if tax loopholes were closed. The real problem is that our government caters to the rich.

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