Reply to post: Re: Or dark matter is other universes

Hubble spies supermassive black hole in surprising spot


Re: Or dark matter is other universes

"The accelerating-expanding universe is explained (galaxies are expanding out at an accelerating rate, faster than the speed of light and out-run their own light to become invisible)..."

I've heard this idea before, but what I don't understand is this:

a) I thought that "nothing can travel faster than light" is a basic rule of science ? Even if it's only the "edge" of the galaxy, that would still have mass ? Or are we talking about the "galaxy" as having a theoretical "volume" and it's this volume that is expanding (while the stars within the galaxy are expanding outwards, but not at quite the same rate ?)

And b) if an entire galaxy is accelerating out, where is it getting it's energy from to do this ?

Lastly, c) if the galaxies that are expanding outwards so quickly, since the Big Bang, and they are moving away from us, there must be huge numbers of them that we cannot see or detect, as light and other tell-tale signs that travel at the speed of light (or less), will never reach us. So how do we know they are there ?

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