Reply to post: Do **Microsoft employees** have self-awareness?

Microsoft GitHubs BotBuilder framework behind Tay chatbot


Do **Microsoft employees** have self-awareness?

Explaining its decision to open up the BotBuilder framework, Microsoft says – without any trace of irony – that 'at this point few developers have the expertise and tools needed to create new conversational experiences[,] or enable existing applications and services with a conversational interface their users can enjoy'.

(All emphasis added.)

Microsoft's collective head is so far up its collective arse, it isn't funny! When have Microsoft's customers ever encountered a conversational interface they could enjoy? Bob? Clippy?

(As I thought I'd noted elsewhere previously, but evidently did not, at least the cartoon search dog with the wagging tail was mildly cute! But still kind-of in the way.)

Until Microsoft's employees achieve self-awareness, I'm certainly not going to worry about any of the software they write ever doing so.

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