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Elon Musk takes wraps off planet-saving Model 3 vapourmobile

Alan Brown Silver badge

"Unless we double both the power generation and distribution systems, of course, but I can't see that happening overnight. "

You missed having to at least double it again when gas/oil heating systems are banned (and they will be) and/or otherwise phased out.

THIS is the single biggest argument that torpedoes wind and solar proponents as the best case scenario for those is merely replacing the existing power generation capacity, when that capacity needs to be at least quadrupled - and once we finally get into molten salt nuclear plant (preferably thorium cycle) which can load follow - and therefore provide peaking backup for wind/solar PV plant - that solar/PV is rendered redundant by that molten salt nuclear plant which can load follow and operate for lower costs without generating CO2 and without the inherent dangers of running pressurised high temperature, corrosive water in contact with radioactive material.

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