Reply to post: Re: Invasion of Europe

Oz uni in right royal 'indigenous' lingo rumpus

Pompous Git Silver badge

Re: Invasion of Europe

So will the future history writers be forced to refer to the current refugee "crisis" as the Syrian Invasion of Europe?

History writers are never "forced" to write anything. They must however interpret if they are true historians as distinct from historiographers. Each generation carries its own cultural baggage and thus will understand/interpret historical facts differently. To illustrate, I will use what seems a simple enough concept: recycling.

I was recently taken to task by a youngster because for using the same bottles for my home brewed beer for over thirty years and calling that recycling. Recycling to him means taking the bottles to the municipal tip, smashing them in a 200 litre drum put there for that purpose so the broken glass can be sent to Indonesia to be melted down and made into beer bottles of arguably considerably lower quality. He is "saving the planet"; The Git is "killing the environment". I suspect that future historians will reverse that judgement.

There are people alive today who would have been given arsenic as a medicine in their youth. It was still the favourite cure-all of the medical profession well into the 20th C. If they suffered from arsenic poisoning, a common enough occurrence, they were given more arsenic as a cure. In hindsight, that was beyond stupid.

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