Reply to post: Jam yesterday, jam tomorrow........

Zombie SCO rises from the grave again

TeeCee Gold badge

Jam yesterday, jam tomorrow........

.... its only asset is the claims it has against IBM. The company's still capable of paying its lawyers....

Probably not. My guess would be that the remains of SCO is totally in hock to its lawyers, who won't get paid unless they win. As soon as they admit defeat, they'll have to take a monumental writedown and quite possibly go bust[1] themselves. As long as they keep the case on life support they can allocate the costs of doing so to this fictional, future bonanza, like a donkey following a carrot on a stick.

Of course the donkey's probably rather more smart than SCO's lawyers, but the analogy still holds.....

[1] Or at least get reduced to driving landfill GM or Ford cars like the proles.

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