Reply to post: Re: @ AC: "It works scarily well..." @ paply

Mud sticks: Microsoft, Windows 10 and reputational damage

Pompous Git Silver badge

Re: @ AC: "It works scarily well..." @ paply

If it ain't broke don't fix it is a nice statement, but if we were to follow that Ford would only have model T's in their showrooms and sales figures would be disappointing. Often you only know its broken after it has been fixed.

You may not have noticed AC that not too long after the Model T, the motor car industry pretty much settled on a standard arrangement of accelerator, clutch, brake and gear shift. MS seems intent on shifting these around in a somewhat random fashion (for our "convenience"). Unsurprisingly, many resent this.

Fortunately, there was no Apple equivalent suing the pants off anybody who dared to use the same locations as their vehicles.

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