Reply to post: People will move to other O.S's

Mud sticks: Microsoft, Windows 10 and reputational damage

People will move to other O.S's

I chosen to cancel my Windows 10.x migration and decided not to proceed with it because of Microsoft forcing people to use Windows 10.x, turning computers into Ad machines. Windows redstone is not a turnaround for Windows business and I have declared that windows O.S. is now a flop than before. Please do not expect people to use Windows 10.x if Windows redstone comes. Windows as a platform is dead so companies should stop developing computers with Windows. Windows is next Internet Explorer and the market share of Mac's and other platforms will grow faster than before. I have plans to stop using Windows in our family over long term and ban my 100% immediate family from using Windows O.S. as Windows 10.x became a flop like Windows 8.x was. If I keep Windows 10.x if it was a failure, I will loose more application compatibility and some websites won't work well on Windows 10.x.

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