Reply to post: Re: Where are the facts no one likes Win 10?

Mud sticks: Microsoft, Windows 10 and reputational damage

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Where are the facts no one likes Win 10?

Ok, I'll bite.

We were doing some testing of our Kiosk software that currently runs on Windows 7 but this time using windows 10 as the OS.

In the middle of a test, it decided to start updating. This was due to some idiot forgetting to disconnect the Kiosk network from the Internet.

At the end of the update process (2-3 hours dues to the slow speed of the internet connection) a good 50% or our Kiosk software just did not work. Yet on the unpatched Kiosks (powered down when this one wnt walkabout) it still works.

There is no way in hell that we can ship our software with such an unstable platform.

We did some more testing and we didn't like the results so we pulled the plug on W10 based Kiosks.

We are moving everything to Debian.

It is going to add 6 months to our next release schedule but we have to have stability.

btw, we never had an issue with the W7 kiosks updating at times we specified. Not so easy in W10.

So Microsoft, we are not going to be spending an awful lot of money on W10 licenses. Last we we bought some 26,000 W7 licenses. no more revenue from us.

Tatty bye.

anon for obvious business reasons.

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