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Don't – don't – install iOS 9.3 on your iPad 2: Upgrade bricks slabs

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Well, if they will peddle such trite marketing shit such as 'It Just Works', they deserve to have their noses rubbed in it when it doesn't.

Although I'm a fairly happy user of Mac products, I 100% agree with you there. What annoys me most is the assumption of people that I use a Mac because I'm somehow arty (definitely not) or don't know what I'm doing, yet it's exactly BECAUSE I know what I'm doing that I use a Mac - it saves me time.

But Apple's occasionally inane marketing very seriously gets on my nerves sometimes.

Take, for instance, the whole song and dance about this Night Shift shite which somehow deserves a whole webpage of waffle. First of all, I've known about this for pretty much a decade so the whole song and dance is irritating but also, their implementation of it is not as good as f.lux. and I would have expected some anti-jetlag thinking in this. So it's not that brilliant. Not that I'll see much of it as I spend more time on a computer and that's where f.lux still does the job.

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