Reply to post: Re: Same old...2% market share..

Microsoft will rest its jackboot on Windows 7, 8.1's throat on new Intel CPUs in 2018 – not 2017

werdsmith Silver badge

Re: Same old...2% market share..

Because MS subsidise OEMs to have it on their products. Try and sell/advertise a Linux machine as a mainstream OEM and you will not be able to compete on price; and price/spec ratio is what sells.

Actually there is a problem that ordinary folk associate Linux with socially inadequate bore-nerds with bad personal hygiene. A tux penguin t-shirt can make a norm suddenly getting an important message and will have to run because there's a sudden emergency at home.

If Linux advocates were less Jeff Albertson then it would help a great deal.

I write this as someone who uses a standard corporate issued Windows machine, with its AD and group policy etc, but operates it mostly in Linux Mint in a VMware Player VM.

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