Reply to post: Re: It isn't clear whether the 5S are newer are vulnerable to FBiOS

Apple engineers rebel, refuse to work on iOS amid FBI iPhone battle

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: It isn't clear whether the 5S are newer are vulnerable to FBiOS

The problem is not which technical vulnerability would POTENTIALLY (let's stress this again) allow a backdoor to be engineered, the problem is the precedent it sets.

As soon as the FBI wants another backdoor it'll dig up the latest CVE vulnerability report for the latest iPhone and wave that around to force another round of engineering, using the precedent it now sets.

What the FBI is trying to do is to set a precedent that will allow it to lock any company not collaborating in never ending hurt by taking it to court again and again and again. There isn't a company in the world that will survive that, not in terms of finance but in term of brand damage and trust.

I would want to know who dreamt up this strategy because this person is a threat to the safety of every person using IT in the world because this has an impact WAY beyond just Apple, and you cannot convince me that the original author of this strategy is not aware of that. I would ban that person from ever entering another country.

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