Reply to post: Re: Typical Labour

UK Snoopers' Charter crashes through critics into the next level


Re: Typical Labour

Couldn't agree more with you! These politicians are absolutely ridiculous and an embarrassment to the country!

This law is going to be the "final solution" to citizens' privacy. Gives me the shivers just thinking about it. The snoopers will log every URL every citizen visits and store it for 12 months, and that's just the tip of the iceberg!

Thank goodness I'm already all set and ready for the snoopers, am already running a VPN connection on all my devices. I'm not a criminal and I don't surf on suspicious websites, I just don't want the snoopers to log my every online move and store my life on their servers! It's that simple!

But I guess we better get used to be treated like we are all criminals. Personally, I've been using a reputable zero-logs provider for over a year now So thanks to the snoopers, I'm not planning on cancelling my subscription anytime soon...

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