Reply to post: Re: Tax the lot

We’re so over Uber: Italy ponders slapping taxes on workers in the ‘sharing economy’

Preston Munchensonton

Re: Tax the lot

I don't see why it shouldn't all count as "earns for tax purposes", subject to whatever rules & exemptions may apply - why should a taxi drive pay pax, but an uber drive not??

A taxi driver doesn't pay the same taxes as an Uber driver because they both categorize differently for tax purposes. In other words, the Uber driver will pay taxes that the taxi driver doesn't, simply because the Uber driver will need to cover any corporate taxation.

That's a gross oversimplification, I understand. But the structure of the tax system is built to treat individuals and businesses differently. If someone decides to organize himself/herself as a business for tax purposes and put up with the paperwork tsunami that it entails, why shouldn't they be allowed to do that? If you have an answer, send it your representative and have it put in law. Otherwise, don't be so surprised when you see legal acts happening as the law permits them.

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