Reply to post: Re: All objections have been reviewed...

Fifth time's the charm as SpaceX pops satellite into orbit


Re: All objections have been reviewed...

I've reviewed every objection. Except as already noted, they represent muddled thinking.

When the offered objection 'proves' that the concept cannot possibly work, but simultaneously proves that existent technologies (e.g. ROVs, or TOW Missiles, or etc. etc. etc. ...) also cannot possibly work, then something's gone seriously wrong in their thinking, and their argument is thus clearly flawed.

That they fail to even consider the existent technology counterexamples to their argument is an indictment of their lack of background knowledge. Arguing becomes difficult, because they're clearly unfamiliar with the breadth of existing technologies. They should widen their knowledge base, as it's just as important to know what's possible (based on existing examples) as what's impossible.

Just for one example, someone was concerned that an FO would cause the Support Ship to be capsized, and then dragged down into the depths. Seriously? That's the sort of objection that I'm forced to rebut?


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