Reply to post: Bah!

How exactly do you rein in a wildly powerful AI before it enslaves us all?



I've never understood why Gibson is revered by the computing cognoscenti. A glance at his "explanation" of the term "Count Zero Interrupt" would show otherwise. Total gibberish.

In the late 80s, while attending I-Con, I was flabbergasted to hear a "knowledgable" critic on a panel quote from Neuromancer and describe what he'd read as a "completely new narrative technique". Replace the throwaway tech references with acid-trip observations on the scenery and you'd be reading from The Einstein Intersection, which Samuel R Delany wrote twenty years earlier.

Gibson was rntertaining for a while, but absent the cyberspace idea (an admittedly brilliant re-tread of the Land of Fairie/limbo/Hades way of suspending the laws of Physics) there's not much staying power in the stories from where I sit, typing on my Ono Sendai deck.

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