Reply to post: Re: Why are people getting this so completely wrong?

FBI v Apple spat latest: Bill Gates is really upset that you all thought he was on the Feds' side

tom dial Silver badge

Re: Why are people getting this so completely wrong?

Apple's software signing key probably has been a highly sought after target for a long time, because having it enables one to make, distribute, and install software far more intrusive than the government demands. Now that iPhone vulnerabilities have become more public than previously, will be more highly sought after going forward irrespective of whether Apple creates the required software or not.

Smart phones, irrespective of manufacture, in addition to communication devices, are pretty capable general purpose computers and may well contain material not hinted at by communication metadata, and also not backed up to any cloud service that can be tasked with a subpoena or warrant. Accordingly, device search warrants be an issue in the future, probably increasingly so.

Have another upvote for a clear description of the basic facts and issue.

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