Reply to post: Re: Funny, when I was her age. . . .

Yelp minimum wage row shines spotlight on … broke, fired employee

Charlie Clark Silver badge

Re: Funny, when I was her age. . . .

"income inequality" is a chimera.

Sure, but things are not helped by the different (mainly but not just tax) treatment of income and assets which is driving asset bubbles while restraining incomes.

The arguments against a wage floor are now empirically validated: it doesn't destroy jobs and can actually create them because of the increase in disposable income. If you can't afford to charge customers enough to pay it then the job (and presumably business) should go. Otherwise welfare payments start subsidising low wages. Not good.

We're starting to automate people out of jobs permanently, with the rise of industrial robots and follow-on technologies.

Just wait till this starts to hit non-menial jobs. The fear of this maybe one of the reasons behind people flocking to Trump or Sanders. Not that economic policy has ever really mattered in US elections.

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