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Lose the onion tears, Tor fanboys: CloudFlare may consider binning CAPTCHAs, says CEO

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

If the CAPTCHAs are a useful security measure, I can accept that. I just think they need to implement it a bit better. I suggest the following modest goals, CAPTCHAs should:

1. Actually be solvable by a human being.

2. Not require scripts when the site it's protecting doesn't.

3. Set a cookie granting access to that site for at least 8 hours.

As an aside, I actually think the people behind CloudFlare are pretty cool. I like that they'll protect any website, whether they agree with the content or not, and even if they catch some flak about it. But I do find it vaguely worrisome how completely pervasive they are nowadays.

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