Reply to post: Re: Black hat

Child tracker outfit uKnowKids admits breach, kicks off row with security researcher


Re: Black hat

Paranoid much?

Ok, they were dumbasses, but a proportionate response is NOT to make the records of those kids and families available by leaking it anonymously.

1) Crusading for Justice does not involve potentially putting those kids at risk (does the phrase "we had to destroy the village to save it" ring any bells?), that is just stupid and malevolent.

2) Acting to deliberately take down a company you perceive to be recklessly incompetent is just vigilantism of those most cowardly order (doing it under "Anon"????).

3) As others have stated, 2 wrongs don't make a right.

A more responsible way to do it would be to notify the firm, allow/help them to fix the issue, get on with life. Which more or less is what happened. The company however might have been a tad better served not being such tools about it.

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