Reply to post: Re: OmegaIsNull

'I bet Russian hackers weren't expecting their target to suck so epically hard as this'

Nigel 11

Re: OmegaIsNull

The programmer has chosen to redefine the concept of null to also include non null variables with no value yet assigned, or with a value of a single space.

Under the (unlikely) assumption that the code does precisely what is required, then its worst feature by far is its name. Call it OmegaIsNullish or OmegaIsEmpty or even YukkyTest. Badly chosen names are one of my pet hates, especially when they've found their way into widely-used libraries or systems from where it's impossible ever to evict them. "select" to wait for IO completion, I ask you!

Also, comments matter as much as code. Again if the comment said "is Nullish (null or empty string or space)" ...

But I actually think this is a prize specimen from a person who can't code. There are people who are tone deaf, people who are number blind, and people who can't code. They imitate the forms like any good cargo cultist does, and simply cannot understand that they should find a different employment before somebody fires them (or murders them).

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