Reply to post: Re: A message to all who thought Office 365 was a good idea

Black Monday: Office 365 down and out in Europe

P. Lee

Re: A message to all who thought Office 365 was a good idea

>Your local sys admin would have just as much down time running Exchange on prem as any cloud service, likely more time.

While you are correct, your local sys admin is very much beholden to your local management.

When you scale the customer base up, each individual customer becomes less important and you have no possibility to hire a difference sys admin. Worse, there is a loss of skill in the alternatives to O365... until the price goes up. By then... too late. That's the price of monoculture and monopoly.

What happens when MS has been using email as loss leader, driving alternatives out of the market and then a Lehman Brothers-style accounting fraud bankrupts the company? You can just watch your email cloud waft away, taking your "aas" with it.

At that point, try calculating your savings from cloud.

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